Namaste and welcome! More than 2 million people in Germany love yoga - and so you probably do too! The yoga world is pretty colorful. Whether yoga on the ground, in the air, in the water - whether spirit yoga, power yoga, yin yoga or beer yoga ;) - there is something suitable for everyone. However, one thing is common among all yoga styles: yoga compensates our stressful everyday life, we find relaxation and peace and on top of that, we find our inner center - as well as consciousness.
We would like to introduce you to our type of yoga. As Nepal, singing bowl and yoga fans, it is obvious to us: yoga and singing bowls simply belong together, they complement each other in a wonderful way. We would like to show you how it could look like.
Each asana effects your body, mind and soul - as well as the sounds and vibrations of the singing bowls. If you combine both, you can support and enhance the topic and effects of each individual asana and enrich your yoga class in a beneficial way.
That's how it works:
To arrive and centre yourself...
By striking the singing bowl, its bright, metallic sound spreads the room gently and attracts attention. Your students listen attentively. Silence appears. The yoga class can begin.
The mind is focused because of the high sounds and make you feel wide awake quickly. The optimal singing bowl is a cast singing bowl or a handcrafted forged singing bowl of a smaller size. The
clear sound and high tones quickly attracts attention..
In the beginning meditation...
For relaxation it’s important that you choose a handcrafted forged singing bowl. The soothing warm sound and the long-lasting vibrations gently
guide your students deeper and deeper into the relaxation. They return to a clear frame of mind, the body can relax and the soul begins to breathe. For this purpose, the singing bowl can also be
a bit larger, because the larger the bowl, the deeper and more relaxing is the sound.
For final relaxation...
After energizing asanas, it’s soothing for the body and mind to relax deeply again. The topic of the lesson fades and the sound of the bowl gives wings to the soul. Just hit the singing bowl
slightly at the top edge and wait until it stops again until the sound fades away in silence.
In yoga and therapy
We again recommend a traditional singing bowl, a handcrafted forged bowl. The sound is softer and unlike a casted one, the vibrations are well noticeable. By setting up the singing bowl on or
next to the body, the effect of the respective asanas can be deepened. It supports the conscious communication of the yoga student with his/her body. The gentle sounds resonate with the entire
system. Even blockages can be overcome very gently by the vibrations of a forged singing bowl.
While your student is in a yoga posture, the singing bowl(s) are placed directly on or next to the body and have to be striked slightly. Singing bowls will make your yoga class an unforgettable
experience for sure. They will help your students further into breathing and practicing.
Remember, if you want to include singing bowls in your lessons you should keep the number of participants as small as possible so that you have enough time for each individual student. Even in
private one-to-one lessons, working with a singing bowl is useful. It takes a while for the sound of a traditionally handcrafted forged singing bowl to fade away and it should also be possible to
trace it in peace.
Singing bowls are available in various sizes and no sound is similar to the other. Here is a tip if you want to enrich your yoga classes with sound: the larger a singing bowl is, the deeper is
their sound (usually). And the deeper the sound, the easier it is to relax.
In addition, you should pay attention to the size of the room. A large room needs more sound volume of a singing bowl than a smaller room. If you travel or change the location of your yoga
classes often, the singing bowl “to go” might be a good choice for you.
Specific Subjects
Do you offer yoga class that are related to a specific subject? Such as e.g. chakras. You can support it with the sound of a corresponding chakra singing bowl.
Are you planning a full moon session? Maybe one of our full moon singing bowls is the right thing for you. As you can see, there are a lot of possibilities to choose from. Let yourself inspire...
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